Avacyn Restored Fat Pack

  • Sale
  • Regular price $0.00

The Avacyn Restored Fat Pack will be available in stores on May 4, the same day Avacyn Restored goes on sale. The MSRP is $39.99, and here's what's in it:

* Nine 15-card Avacyn Restored booster packs
* A pack of 80 Avacyn Restored basic land
* A sleeve that unfolds to reveal an Avacyn Restored mural
* A card box with art from Avacyn, Angel of Hope
* Two deck boxes
* The Avacyn Restored Player's Guide, which contains a visual encyclopedia of every card in the set, plus play tips and story background information
* A learn-to-play insert
* An exclusive Avacyn Restored Spindown Life Counter.