8th Edition Two Player Tournament Starter Deck

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6 Decks per Box The 8th edition two player starter features everything one needs to begin playing the Magic: The Gathering card game. Each deck includes a premium Elvish Champion foil. Features over 350 cards and released in 2003, 8th Edition celebrates the 10th anniversary of Magic The Gathering. This edition features one card from each expansion set since Alpha never-before reprinted in a Core Set (except Unglued). Each deck includes: - Two decks featuring illustrated cards of creatures and spells - A 14-card pack with more advanced cards for expanded game play - A collectible premium cards - Two play guides to take you and your opponent through the game step by step - An easy-to-read rulebook for complete rules reference -Two playmats with scorekeeping counters -A CD-ROM features exciting games that cover the key aspects of Magic and Magic Online play, plus the Magic Online program -A Magic Online user's manual